Local Support

Moving to a new country to attain higher education comes with its challenges. The students not only move to a new place but they need to adapt to an entirely fresh environment. Under such a situation the initial support extended by the institute, management, fellow students and local authorities acts as a blessing in disguise. India always extends a warm welcome to people with open arms and the students coming to attain higher education get assistance at every step. Still, having prior knowledge of basic things and being a little prepared in advance proves advantageous for them. Therefore, they can take a hint from the following set of points and understand how they can kick start their student journey in India and adjust smoothly.

  • In today’s tech-driven world, having a mobile with a decent internet connection keeps things sorted, especially when people are in another country. A handful of apps like Google Maps and Google Translator are purposeful for international students. While Google Translator proves handy while communicating with local people or learning the local language, Google Maps is a must-have app for commuting to any nearby place or while going on trips.
  • As and when the students land in India, they are recommended to keep contact details of the embassy of their respective country in India and the Indian embassy in their home country. These contact details are useful to handle any visa or passport related issues.
  • Further, the students must know which college authority to contact in case of any general help or emergency. There might be an international relations cell or a dedicated officer for assisting international students at every step. So, having their contact details is highly recommended.
  • It is advised to the students that they must keep details of the people to contact in case of any emergency. This includes the phone number of the warden and a guardian residing in their home country or in India.
  • There are a number of documents such as visas, passports, student IDs, etc that students might need from time to time. So, despite carrying the physical copy of important documents everywhere they can safely keep their e-copy using apps like DigiLocker, Docusign, etc.
  • Buying an Indian sim card is necessary for students but they must make sure to note the contact details of the concerned shop and the customer care number of the respective service provider.
  • The students will get the necessary medical facilities at their respective institutes but as an extra precautionary step, they should have knowledge about the nearby pharmacies and hospitals. Furthermore, if students have been provided with a medical insurance card, they must keep it handy. For ease, they can also avail themselves of medical facilities with a few clicks through e-pharmacies (like Practo, Netmeds, Medlife, etc) operating in India.
  • If the students take any short trip in or around the city, apart from college authorities they are recommended to keep contact details of their friends, roommates and classmates, so as to seek help whenever required.
  • Furthermore, while staying in India, having knowledge about the eateries, grocery stores, transportation services, local police stations and the nearby area is not only practical but smoothens the overall stay of students.
  • Lastly, while going out alone from the college premises, the students must always keep a paper and a pen. It proves useful in communicating with locals who only speak regional languages.


Please find the list of important helplines operating in India.

S.No. Helpline Name Number
01. All Emergency Services 112
02. Police 100
03. Fire 101
04. Ambulance 102/108
05. Traffic Police 103
06. National Highway Helpline 1033
07. Health Helpline 104
08. Disaster Management 1078
09. Women Helpline 1091
10. Covid-19 Helpline 1075
S.No. Helpline Name Number
01. All Emergency Services 112
02. Police 100
03. Fire 101
04. Ambulance 102/108
05. Traffic Police 103
06. National Highway Helpline 1033
07. Health Helpline 104
08. Disaster Management 1078
09. Women Helpline 1091
10. Covid-19 Helpline 1075

Indian mathematician, mental calculator and writer, the late Shakuntala Devi has been awarded the title for ‘Fastest human computation’ by the Guinness Book of World Record.

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