About Us
Bharathiar University , established in 1982 is named after the great national poet Subramania Bharathi with a motto to “Educate to Elevate”. The University has been ranked 13th among the Indian Universities and 21st in the Overall category by The National Institutions Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2020, MHRD, Government of India. 18 Departments are supported under UGC-SAP / DST-FIST .The University is re-accredited with “A” grade in the year 2009 by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) of the University Grants Commission. The University runs numerous projects with enormous funds from UGC, DST-SERB, DST, ICMR, NRDMS, TNSCST, CSIR, NRB, DRDO BRNS, ICSSR, CPHE / NCERT, RGNIYO, SERB-DST, ICMR, NHRC and NCN. The University has DRDO-BU Centre for Life Sciences , a joint venture with Defense Research and Development Organisation,
Area of Excellence
Science, Arts, Social Science and Management
Research Capability and Focus Area
Materials Science and Engineering
Cancer Research
Academic Facilities
we have Online portal, Library, Auditoriums and hall ,Data Center, International Hostel , University Hospital ,Fitness Center, Gust Houses.